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Best Apple iPhone Camera Filters

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How To Use Apple iPhone Camera Filters

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Best Apple iPhone Camera Filters Reviewed By Photos By Meta

Various Apple iPhone Camera Filters can be Mounted over your Apple iPhone Pro Cameras, Including: Variable ND Filters, CPL Filters, CineBloom Diffusion Filters and UV Filters.

How To Use Variable Neutral Density Filters On Apple iPhones – Watch a Video

Variable Neutral Density (Variable ND or VND) Filters are like “Sunglasses for your Camera”. When shooting Video at 30 fps, with fixed wide open apertures (ƒ/1.78, ƒ/2.8 and ƒ/2.2), you’ll need to keep the shutter speed at 1/60th for 30 fps (The 180° Film Rule). These longer shutter speeds, combined with wide apertures, let in way too much light, especially when shooting outdoors in direct sunlight. The light has to be reduced by using a Variable ND Filter.

Shot With 5% Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filter
Shot With 5% Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filter

How To Use CineBloom Diffusion Filters On Apple iPhones – Watch a Video

Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filters reduce the clinical, ultra sharp look of Digital Video. Available in densities of 5%, 10% and 20%, they not only catch and bloom light but soften hard digital edges and provide a smoothing effect on skin tones, making wrinkles less noticeable. This special glass is made by fusing a microlayer of NanoBlack particulates between two layers of top grade Japanese filter glass. You can use a Variable ND Filter on top of it for shooting frame rates and capturing motion blur. We recommend 5% Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filters (Photo: Left).

How To Use CPL Filters On Apple iPhones

Circular Polarizing Filters (CPL) add more stronger contrast, better color saturation for more vibrant images. We recommend CPL Filters to reduce reflections on outdoor wet surfaces, such as plant leaves, waterfalls, rivers and lakes. We keep a CPL Filter on our Apple iPhone most of the time when shooting Outdoors.

How To Use UV Filters On Apple iPhones

UV Filters protect your Camera lens from dust, dings, and fingerprints and reduces the negative effects of UV light on your images.

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Apple iPhone 15 Pro Camera Tips#Ad • Moment Lens Cleaning Pen – The Moment Lens Cleaning Pen is specially designed to keep the front and rear of your Moment lenses clean of dust, dirt and lint, with a lens brush and a fine felt cleaning tip. You can also use it to help clean your Apple iPhone’s camera sensor so your shots always come out clear.

Apple iPhone Camera Filters

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#Ad • Moment Variable ND Filter 3–7 StopsWatch a Video

We recommend this Moment 3 to 7 Stop Variable ND Filter which reduces light intensity. Made from German Schott B270 Pro Cinema Glass with a 16 Layer anti-reflective coating. Rotation with hard stops to prevent cross polarizing within working range. When shooting at 30 fps, you have to keep the shutter speed at 1/60th (The 180° Film Rule). These longer shutter speeds let in too much light, so it has to be reduced. (40g for 67mm).

#Ad • Moment AntiGlare CPL Filter

We recommend this Moment AntiGlare CPL Filter which helps control reflections, boost colors, and mitigate shadows. Made from premium fused-silica optical glass and 16 layer coatings. Rotate to adjust polarization for stronger contrast, better color saturation for more vibrant images. (19g for 67mm).

#Ad • Moment CineBloom Diffusion FilterWatch a Video

This Moment CineBloom Diffusion Filter softens hard edges of digital with specialty glass. The glass is made by fusing a microlayer of NanoBlack particulates between two layers of Premium Japanese Optical Glass. Available in densities of 5%, 10% and 20%. We recommend the 5% CineBloom Diffusion Filter stacked under the Moment Variable ND Filter on the Moment Anamorphic Lenses. We like the 5% CineBloom Diffusion Filters the best, as it can smooth out “Digital Sharpness” and Anamorphic Flairs, without applying too much of the “Vaseline Look”. (22g for 67mm).

#Ad • Moment CineClear UV Filter

This Moment CineClear UV Filter protects your Camera lens from dust, dings, and fingerprints and reduces the negative effects of UV light on your images. Made from German Schott B270 Pro Cinema Glass with a 98.5% transmission rate and 16 layers of optical coatings. (22g for 67mm).

Apple iPhone Filter Mounts

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#Ad • Moment 67mm Snap On Filter Adapter

This 67mm Moment Filter Mount lets you attach any 67mm Camera Filter to youriPhone 15 Pro andiPhone 15 Pro Max. Snaps on to youriPhone 15 Pro Moment Case and makes it easy to attach any 67mm camera filters. Designed to make room for the round magnetic puck. Fit over all 3 of youriPhone 15 Pro Model camera lenses, which means no vignetting over the ultra-wide lens. 2 year warranty. (5g).

#Ad • Moment T-Series Filter Mount AdapterWatch a Video

This 67mm Moment Filter Mount lets you attach any 67mm Camera Filter to all of your Moment T-Series Lenses. Includes a different rubber collar for each Moment Lens; Wide, Superfish, Telephoto, Macro and Anamorphic. (17g).

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